Now more than ever, Stevens Elementary needs strong partnerships with the Houston business community. Sponsorships are invaluable to Stevens Elementary students and come with many marketing perks for our corporate partners! Click here to find out more or become a sponsor!
Our Community Sponsorship program, is an annual fundraising campaign specifically designed for current parents, horizon parents, community members, and others with a heart for Stevens. The campaign provides essential funds for support programs and activities that benefit students, teachers, and staff at Stevens Elementary School. We also support employer matching if applicable.
Direct donations to the PTCO can be made via PayPal here.
Applying for educational grants helps us reach our yearly goals. Know of one we should apply to? Send us the information via email.
Support a local business and the Stevens PTCO at the same time. Know of a business or restaurant that wants to be involved? Please let us know.
Held every spring semester, this annual fundraiser gets the whole community involved in learning and fundraising.
The Stevens Elementary PTCO is a registered non-profit organization 501-(c)(3), and your financial contribution, less the cost of any included merchandise you receive for that contribution, is tax deductible.
Easy steps you can take now to help us raise funds

Did you know that Box Tops has gone digital?
Download the Box Tops app
Find us on the app as STEVENS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, or School ID: 185513
Scan your receipt, and earn cash rewards instantly on qualifying purchases (look for the Box Tops logo on products to identify which items qualify).
Register your Kroger Plus account with the Community Rewards program.
Log-in to your Kroger account via the Kroger app or on a desktop computer
Go to Settings > Select Rewards > Select Community Rewards
Choose your organization: Stevens Elementary School PTO, organization number UK826